It’s bredent’s birthday! On 1 July 2016, bredent UK will have been trading for 12 years.
To help us celebrate we’re offering our customers the chance to win a £300 Ticketmaster gift card.
Terms and conditions:
- All UK organisations placing an order with bredent UK on 1 July 2016, will be placed into a prize draw.
- The name of the organisation will be entered – if you win, it’s up to you how you split it and who you take!
- One entry per organisation only.
- UK customers only.
- No minimum spend.
- The winner will be picked at random w/c 4 July and will be informed by phone.
- The prize is a £300 Ticketmaster gift card which can be used to buy for tickets to a sporting event, a music concert, a family attraction…
How to place your order:
You must place you order on 1 July 2016 to be entered into the prize draw. You can place your order in one of three ways:
Online at or
Call our customer services team on 01246 559 599 between 9am and 5pm.
Through your local bredent UK representative – if they are unavailable, call our customer services team who will place your order for you.