They really can be a nuisance… ringing all the time, taking up your time, emailing you about things you don’t want to know (or care) about, especially if the substance of their message is unsubstantiated.
Have you ever thought about the potential positives a rep could bring you?
Practices that have positive relationships with their reps tend to have far better pricing structures and a more positive working environment. Your rep is a great source of information, that is if they are a ‘real professional rep’ not just someone trying it out for a while.
How your rep could be useful:
- They’re an additional pair of hands in the time of need – it has been known to happen. This is particularly useful when the rep is also a registered Dental Nurse, Hygienist or Technician. They have been known to be invaluable when implementing a new procedure within the practice to coach staff, including the dentist, on the correct procedures.
- Your rep visits a number of other practices and, if they have been in the industry for a while, they will know most of the important customers on their ‘patch’. What better place to find out about your competition, potential referrers and what is going on ‘on the ground’.
- Reps are good at spreading the word. So if you are looking for something specific – maybe a second hand piece of equipment or a new member of staff – reps can talk to a lot of people on your behalf.
- Reps can be good at promoting an event you are running by spreading the word in the industry, canvassing for you and helping you organise (and sometimes even pay) for the event.
- Reps can be excellent at getting you out of a mess – whether you’ve forgotten to order something, changed your mind about size at the last minute, or need something urgently. If you have a good relationship with your rep, they will try everything possible to get you out of trouble by borrowing from a practice near by or couriering things over from anywhere they can find.
If you treat your rep well they will treat you even better. Remember – a rep is not just for Christmas!