Discover a full SKY “Fast and Fixed” digital workflow…. Discover tips and tricks for case planning with coDiagnostiX…. Discover NEW products, options, and workflows with SKY components… Discover how to develop your practice, sell, and place more SKY implants Friday 3rd March 2023 9.30-17.00 National Motorcycle Museum, Coventry Road, Solihull, West Midlands B92 0EJ Price £195+vat including refreshments and access to the National Motorcycle Museum. If you would like to bring a team member from your practice along to the day, please let us know upon booking. To confirm your place please contact Stephanie Lyons on Tel: 01246 641 057 and at SKY Discovery Day, Digital and Beyond! Discover a full SKY “Fast and Fixed” digital workflow. Discover tips and tricks for case planning with coDiagnostiX. Discover NEW products, options, and workflows with SKY components. Discover how to develop your practice, sell, and place more SKY implants. We look forward to welcoming you on the 3rd March 2023. For a detailed itinerary click here